Art and Chronicle

Art and Chronicle

Art and Chronicle
30 covers for the magazine’s 30th anniversary
On display at the Must Museum in Lecce Toti Carpentieri 2017

Cover of Patrizia Pozzi with Valentina Cardani
“NIDI D’UOMO” by Patrizia Pozzi

Work selected and exhibited EXHIBIT “Woman in Italian Design”.
2 April 2016 – 19 February 2017 TRIENNALE MILANO Triennale Design Museum at the XXI Triennale di Milano

“For many years I have been dealing with the relationship between nature, architecture and design whose privileged materials are: soil, water, glass and stone, as well as all the elements that belong to the plant world: trunks, roots, leaves, branches, barks. In this sense in 2009 was born Nidi d’uomo, a landscape that hosts elements linked to the world of nature. With this creation, with Anna Patrucco, I introduce the concept of home / nest in the domestic scene that gives the idea of a nature to inhabit. “The nest” from an element of natural space is brought to the scale of interior design to give shape to spaces and objects of common use. The material used is woven willow, in different colour, variations depending on the botanical species used. It is a provocative way to enter into a relationship of familiarisation with nature, so that this relationship becomes an everyday occurrence”.