Workshop abitare la natura

Workshop abitare la natura

Thursday 06 June from 17.00 to 20.00

Presentation of the works of the workshop “Abitare la Natura: Nuove Visioni” at Milano Green Point and The Flat Contemporary Art Gallery – Massimo Carasi via Frisi 3, 20129 – Milano

The workshop “Abitare la Natura: Nuove Visioni”, curated by Patrizia Pozzi with The Flat – Massimo Carasi, will be held from 03 to 07 June 2013. Organized by NABA and Politecnico di Milano on the occasion of the Master “Extraordinary Landscapes”, directed by Elisabetta Bianchessi and Marco Scottini.

During the evening of 06 June, the projects realized by the participants will be exhibited. At 7.00 p.m. Stefano Boccalini, professor of Public Art at NABA, will speak.

Istituzioni Universitarie Master Master “Paesaggi Straordinari” / NABA / Politecnico di Milano

Artists Giuliano Mauri / Simon Benetton / Filippo Armellin / Stefano Boccalini / Alessandra Ferlini
Thanks Triennale di Milano
Partner Milano Green Point / The Flat – Massimo Carasi
Under the patronage of AIAPP / ADI
Media partners Gardenia / Casa & Design / Wise Society / Nemeton Magazine
With the support of Skira
Technical partners
HWStyle / Ad Maiora Milano